
Enough is Enough!

12:37 Jan 25 2012 Ein Misbeh

As I walked through Ein Misbeh to a friend's house, having taken the long way round because it was the most lighted road, I kept hoping that I wouldn't get any hassle. As I approached my friend's house I quickened my step and started wishing that the cars that I could hear approaching me from behind would leave me alone. The first and second car went past with no problems. Just as I was reaching the gate all of my hopes were dashed as the third car began frantically beeping. Knowing that I was close to safety I reacted with a gesture that indicated I did not appreciate the attention. Intially the car drove forward slowly passing me by and then just as I got to the gate the driver stopped, started shouting out the window and then opened his door as if to get out. I made it verbally clear that I was not happy at his actions before continuing to safety ignoring his further comments.
Credibility: UP DOWN 1
Sane (Feb 22 2012)
I think you are paranoid...so two cars went and you were still " reaching the safe haven" and you waved to the third car taht start beeping....just ignore the car..maybe a pedestrian was about to cross the road...you are not only paranoid but also seeking attention
Hannah (Mar 27 2012)
Your comments of labelling the victim as "paranoid" and "seeking attention" is unfortunately not surprising. It is a common tactic of those who choose to ignore the problem to shift the blame on to the victim. It is a sad state of affairs and quite frankly shame on you! The victim in this case has clearly had other experiences which have caused them to be wary of cars in such a situation. Also due to the driver's threatening manner towards the end of this incident, it was very clear that the victim in this case was right to feel harassed and fear for their safety. More generally you fail to appreciate that people should not have to put up with being hassled as they go about their own business in the first place - this should not be acceptable behaviour and ignoring the problem is not going to make it go away.
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Additional Reports

A Helping Hand

22:15 Dec 08, 2011

Just off Rukab Street towards Ein Misbah, 0.05 Kms

physical intimidation in front of police station

13:52 May 24, 2012

Near police station in Ein Misbah, 0.08 Kms

Near miss

20:00 Dec 13, 2011

Ein Misbah, 0.08 Kms


13:11 Jan 05, 2012

From the police station at Al-Manara down the road that starts right in front of it, leading in direction to Al-Bireh, 0.1 Kms

Walking to work

10:02 Aug 08, 2012

Walk from Irsal to Jaffa Street, 0.13 Kms