
followed by a truck

09:15 May 15 2012 Rukab Street

I was followed and harassed on my walk to work by a man in a pick-up truck, who followed me, honked repeatedly, and yelled at me out of the window of the truck. He drove at my walking pace along the length of Rukab street, and despite ducking into several stores and crossing the street multiple times, he continued to follow me for about twenty minutes. Extremely intimidating.
Credibility: UP DOWN 2
Emma Quinn (Aug 16 2024)
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Additional Reports

Followed and intimidated as I walked home with friend

11:39 May 20, 2012

Nuzha Street, Ramallah, 0 Kms

Young men screaming at me

18:10 May 23, 2012

Rukab street, 0 Kms

indecent staring

17:58 Jul 02, 2014

Ramallah, 0 Kms

indecent staring picture3

18:14 Jul 02, 2014

ramallah, 0 Kms

Walking to work

10:02 Aug 08, 2012

Walk from Irsal to Jaffa Street, 0.05 Kms